Specializing in closed-loop holding systems and transport systems for the live seafood industry.
BioNovations Inc. is a locally owned manufacturer of technologically advanced live seafood holding systems and live seafood transport systems located in Antigonish, Nova Scotia. Our core business is providing transportation and storage solutions for the live seafood industry that are safe, reliable, and sustainable at all points along the supply chain to allow value-added live seafood to be held or distributed globally.
The primary cause of degradation and mortality in live seafood is stress, and it can be introduced at each step in the supply chain by immersion, excess handling, poor water quality, poor temperature control, and proximity to other seafood. Currently, handling occurs at many points throughout the supply chain without the ability to monitor critical conditions of the product in real time which creates a lack of accountability.
Our systems are specifically designed to provide highly controlled environments which significantly reduce mortality rates traditionally associated with long term storage and long haul transport, thereby maximizing the use of the targeted species and overall payload. The BioNovations Traystor® Crate Supply Chain gives the seafood industry the ability to control the handling, quality, and monitoring of their live product from fishing boat to end consumer providing unprecedented transparency of the entire process.
Where to find us
35 Central Avenue
Antigonish, Nova Scotia
Canada B2G 2L4
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8 AM - 4:30 PM (AST)
TEL (902) 863-7155
FAX (902) 863-7166
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Traystor® Crate Supply Chain
The supply chain begins onboard the fishing vessel, once the live animal is removed from the ocean and graded, it is then placed in a Traystor® Crate. We manufacture Refrigerated Live Wells for the fishing industry, custom built for each vessel, for holding Traystor® Crates to keep the live product healthy and safe while still at sea.